REVO Rideshare want to make a revolution in the rideshare business. Today the drivers do the jobs but they do net earn what they deserve. REVO Rideshare wnat to changes that as you can see from the example below.
Transperent fare struckture with competitive rates and a residual income.
As a driver in REVO Rideshare you can build a residual income. The driver owns the clients he has signed up and get paid every time the client makes a ride.
Build your own business in REVO Rideshare. Sign up clients and build your own database of clients.
With REVO Rideshare the driver gets 1 US$ each time a client signed up by the driver makes a ride in REVO Rideshare. No matter where it happens. It could be in another city or using another REVO Rideshare driver.
The driver pay only 1 US$ each ride to REVO Rideshare and get 100 % of mileages + 100% of the tips. The driver can also earn a residual income if he signs up clients and other drivers. The driver works as an independented business-owner.
REVO Rideshare get a part of the start payment the Client pays - 5 US$ - and of the 1 US$ the driver pay. The Reps that has signed up the client get a part too.
The rider pays 5 US$ before a ride start. 1 US$ goes to the person who has signed up the client. 4 US$ goes into a pot which will be distributed to reps and REVO. If the client makes more than 6 rides a month the client can buy a months solution to 30 US$.
I am sure you agree that the concept of REVO Rideshare is outstanding for every driver in rideshare. The driver get the possibility to build a business - to have his own clients - take a day of and still get an income from his clients + an income from drivers he has signed up.
When you have finished a ride and the client want to pay - ask the client if he/she has interest in paying less next time he/she want to make a ride. If the answer is yes you ask the client to sign up as a member in REVO Rideshare. You ask the client to scan your QR code and to register using the link. Tell the client that he/she now have to dovnload the REVO app for rider. You have now started to build your own database of clients and to build a residual income too.
How much value has a new client ?
How many rides will the rider make in the future.
You get 1 US$ each ride the client make using REVO Rideshare.
If a driver make 20 rides a day in 20 days that is 400 rides a month. After 3 months the driver has seen 3 x 400 clients = 1,200 clients. If the driver sign up every rider as a rider in REVO Rideshare the driver now has build a database of 1,200 clients. Every time one of the clients make a ride he get 1 US$ from REVO Rideshare. The clients only have to do the rides in REVO Rideshare. Let´s say that each rider make 1 ride using another driver in REVO that makes an income of 1,200 US$ as an residual income.
If the same happens every months during the year the driver receive 12 x 1,200 US$ = 14,400 US$ as a residual income..
REVO Rideshare is in prelaunch. The next years REVO Rideshare will grow and therefore REVO Rideshare will need more drivers around the globe. Drivers can only start if a person in REVO Rideshare sign up the new drivers. If you sign up a driver you get 0,20 US$ each rider the driver make. Looks like a small amount but check the example below.
Let´s say that the goal is to sign up 100 drivers. It will take some time - maybe a year. If each driver make 20 rides a day and drive 20 days a month = 400 rides - you get 400 x 0,20 = 80 Us$ a month from each driver you sign up.
If 100 drivers - you get 100 x 80 US$ = 8,000 Us$ a month in residual income.
In 1 year that is 12 x 8,000 = 96 ,000 US$.
If you have signed up only 50 drivers you get 48,000 US$ a year.
As you can see there is a great possibility for drivers to earn a residual income in REVO Rideshare.
You can choose to sign up as a driver or both driver and rider
1. Sign up - important to choose driver or driver and rider
2. Download the driver app.
3. Download the rider app if you want to make rides.